One Time offer for you

Learn the next level course at a ONE TIME PRICE of Rs. 2999. If you decide later, will be offered at 5100/-


Course Content


Arushan R Katyal

I have already transformed more than 1000 date of births, now i want to enlighten your life with my enriching experience in an economic price. I know how some other practitioners have spoiled the industry by charging huge money on the name of remedies but my main motive is to give simple and effective remedies mentioned in our epics. No superstitions, no hoaxes. I promise.

Mentor With 5 Star Rating On Google & Facebook

With More Than 500+ Reviews

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Frequently Asked Questions

Will you provide support if I have any doubt?

You will be added to a WhatsApp group and you always send the voice note directly to the admin for any type of queries. You will be replied on the same day itself.

What is the Mode, Duration and validity of this course?

It is a Pre-Recorded course of 12 hours of content with Lifetime unlimited access on the Portal will be given to you along-with the completion certificate with ISO mark.

Which Type of Numerology is taught in this course?

I teach a blend of Chaldean and scientific numerology (80%), also I will cover some part of Chinese Numerology (Loshu Grid) 20%.

Will you teach “Name Correction” in it and what method you will use?

Yes, name correction through Chaldean Numerology will be taught in this course.

Will I become a professional Numerologist after doing this course?

Yes off course, many of the ex-community members are already practicing it effectively after doing this course.

Are remedies included in the course?

Yes, very effective and logical remedies are given for every planet and number. Some scientific remedies are also given which are proven and effective on my clientele.

Is there any other level of course?

Yes, there is one last level of the course which is advance level, which primarily focuses on the specialisation on Name and predictions. However, this level is only recommended if you have mastered “Learner Course” and analysed approximately 100 Date of Births.


 One Time offer for you: Learn the next level course at a ONE TIME PRICE of Rs. 2999. If you decide later, will be offered at 5100.

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