Know How To Boost Your Luck For Wealth, Career, Love And Health Through The Power Of Numbers Through Numerology Crash Course
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Timer Zero होते ही इस Course का Price बढ़ कर ₹3000 हो जायेगा
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What will you learn in this Masterclass?
- What is Numerology and its Significance?
- Types of Numerology
- Numbers in Numerology
- Characteristics of Numbers from 1-9
- Masculine and Feminine Numbers
- Birth and Destiny Numbers
- What is KUA Number?
- Destiny Compound Number?
- How to make Loshu Grid and their 5 elements Numbers in Numerology
- Eight Planes of Loshu Grid. Incredible method to know the personality, SWOT Analysis
- Methods to Learn Numerology by self
What will you learn in this Masterclass?
Name Calculation And Its Significance In Numerology
BONUS Video-Remedy Through Lucky Numbers
BONUS Video-Remedy Through Lucky Colors
SPECIAL SURPRISE OFFER After You Complete The Payment
Timer Zero होते ही इस Course का Price बढ़ कर ₹3000 हो जायेगा
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You Will Get Certificate After Completing The Course

Meet Your Mentor

Arushan R Katyal
Expert And Renowned Numerology Coach And Consultant
I have learned and nurtured this beautiful science and practicing it from the last 5 years. Being in the wrong profession for 7 years, Numerology enlightened my way . Now i am paying back to the society by sharing my valuable knowledge through this CRASH COURSE.
Numerology is the study of the numerical value of letters in words, names and dates. It is said that numerology can help you understand your innermost desires and motivations, as well as what events and circumstances in your life are most likely to occur. Step by Step Numerology PRE-RECORDED Course of 3 hours at just Rs. 299/- with lifetime access to the videos.
More Than 5,000 People Love Our Course.
Here Is What They Are Saying:-
What Are People Saying
Read These Life Changing Stories From People Just Like You!

Gautam Kumar
I recently attend the crash course of Numerology. It was totally awesome and they provided valuable knowledge and information After completion of this course they also provide certificate&free bracele

Sandipan Mukherjee
I have taken this course . Yes I can say I have strong base regarding Numerology and its remedies.This is a nice introductory course and has been delivered with patience and care by Arushan Sir. 🙏❤️ lots of love and respect. .
A very nice and gentle person and a perfect teacher. Thank you you sir. 🙏

Sonali Panda
I enjoyed the class and learnt about numerology from starting. I am glad that I got in touch with Master Numbers and learnt numerology from sir. So grateful to you for the knowledge you gave me.

Nisha Biswas
Very easy to understand the concepts of Numerology and explained in a structural manner that any one with zero knowledge can understand and apply in life to make things work well. Also the remedies that are shared are priceless. Thanks

Sumanta Sarkar
I just completed the crash course. Course is highly informative. I would like to highly recommend everyone to join the crash course first so that you can able to know the chemistry of Numerology and definitely you will get a Nice Mentor. Thank you.

Archhana More
Very nicely explained the basics of Numerology in very short time frame. The analytical tools that are explained during the session are very helpful. Remedies for any gaps or resolution were very clearly explained.
A. I know you must be learning from YouTube and books but without mentor ship, you will always be in doubts. Take this 1st step for a systematic learning. Course is recorded in a mix of English and Hindi languages.
A. It is a Pre-Recorded course of 3 hours of content with Lifetime unlimited access on the Portal will be given to you along-with the completion certificate. After you complete the course there will be a Live Q&A session as well.
You will able to make Numeroscope/Numerology chart of anyone by just knowing the DOB. You will able to analyse their strengths, weaknesses and complete personality analysis.
A. You will get a welcome email with the Login credentials of recorded course within 10-15 mins after making the payment. Kindly check your promotional and spam folder too. If still, you are not able to find that email, please contact on the WhatsApp support number given on the page. You will get a reply within the day timings.
A. Once you complete the course, you will be added to a whatsapp group where regular Live Zoom sessions will happen. Apart from that, you can always clear your doubts on WhatsApp support given on the page. Infact, course is designed in such a way that it will hardly leave you with any doubt.
A. Well, you need to take efforts to become Numerologist. This is your beginning but i promise that i won’t misguide you by offering courses on every step. If you are willing to complete the full course at economical prices with every information, do contact me on whatsapp after completion of this course.
A. You can contact me on +91-9729845915 or hit the WhatsApp support button given on the page.
A. Once you complete the course in the portal, you will be prompted to claim the certificate and bracelet in the Thinkific Portal.
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